Aerial view of María's beach in Rincón.

In good time, you will travel again

Experience the culture, cuisine, and beauty of Puerto Rico from home.

Right now, it’s time to stay home. Soon enough, we’ll be back to warm welcomes. As we face this uncertain time together, we don’t want you to miss anything that Puerto Rico has to offer. Discover Puerto Rico knows that a destination is never just about the place, but about the experiences you encounter and the people you meet along the way. We understand you can’t travel right now, which is why we decided to bring the vibrancy of the island to your home… until we can give you a warm and joyful welcome at the heart and soul of the Caribbean, that is!

Meanwhile, join in the virtual events designed to share the lively and uplifting spirit of boricuas. From new dance moves to craft cocktails, flavorful recipes, and even a yoga class to unwind, get ready to say "wepa” and join in for a tropical cyber-getaway!

Puerto Rico Virtual Puzzles

Explore must-visit locales one jigsaw piece at a time.

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