When Puerto Rico is nearby, you can feel it in your soul. The sounds our Island makes are distinctly Puerto Rican.

Sounds like Puerto Rico

When Puerto Rico is nearby, you can feel it in your soul!

The sounds and language you'll hear are distinct to the Island, but what do they mean?

Through this video series, you'll go on a journey with hosts José and Davelyn to discover and understand the Island's jargon and its origins. We'll take you deep into the rainforest so that you can learn all about el coquí and its peculiar song. Next, we'll roam through the mountainside of the Island and learn how to order coffee like a local; catch some waves on the west coast like you've lived there your whole life, and even move to the beat of reggaetón as you hear Puerto Rico's essence and learn the lingo.

This is "Sounds like Puerto Rico!"


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