Recursos adicionales para viajes de Incentivo

Hay muchos aspectos logísticos a considerar al planificar un viaje de incentivo, desde el transporte hasta las precauciones de salud y seguridad. Discover Puerto Rico te tiene cubierto.

Queremos facilitar al máximo la planificación de tu próximo viaje de incentivo. Además de nuestros servicios gratuitos, hemos puesto a disposición algunos de los recursos más solicitados, incluyendo una amplia biblioteca de fotos y videos, logística de transporte por aire, tierra y mar, pautas de viaje actualizadas para compartir con tus asistentes e información sobre cómo tu equipo puede cumplir sus objetivos de responsabilidad social corporativa mientras están en la Isla.

¿Todavía tienes preguntas? Consulta nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes o comunícate con nuestro experto en viajes de incentivo a [email protected].

Incentive Travel FAQs

Does Puerto Rico have all-inclusive properties?

Although some hotels or resorts offer food and beverage plans, depending on certain factors, the destination is not considered to have a truly all-inclusive price. Like many destinations in the US, Europe and other international destinations, we offer a vibrant local dining scene that is safe and easily accessible. Many hotels offer breakfast plans. And, our clients often use debit cards or master account credits for attendees to purchase food and beverage options outside of breakfast and planned group events.

Does Puerto Rico offer incentives to groups to help with expenses?

Yes, please contact us for more information.

We haven't seen Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria in 2017 and have seen stories in the media about the recovery. How is it now?

Although there may be some rural areas that are still dealing with recovery issues, our clients visiting the Island find that the hotel and resort areas are fully recovered. Renovations to our hotels and experiences, as well as infrastructure improvements, have increased the overall level of quality. Our clients who have experienced Puerto Rico recently consider it a better post-hurricane destination.

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