The Casals Festival is considered the Caribbean’s foremost classical music event.
The festival pays tribute to the famous cellist, conductor, and composer Pablo Casals. Founded in 1957 by Casals himself, the festival gathers artists and musicians from around the world, drawing some of the biggest names in the industry. Held primarily at the Luis A. Ferré Performing Arts Center, the festival takes place over several weeks and is dedicated to preserving the memories of Casals’ legacy and career.
![Outside view of the Sala Sinfónica at the Performing Arts Center in Santurce](/sites/default/files/styles/square_image/public/2020-03/191-3-14664_jpeg.jpg?itok=Z7Y7fzm-)
![Outside view of the Performing Arts Center in Santurce](/sites/default/files/styles/square_image/public/2020-03/191-3-14669_jpeg.jpg?itok=g4rHPRyR)
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